Returning Special Student Application

Returning special students must complete the indicated fields below. The Office of the Registrar will contact you in 2-3 business days after receiving the application. Applicants who have not previously attended the University of Evansville must fill out the New Special Student Application instead.

* Indicates a required field

Identifying Information

Identifying Information

Include your area code.

Include your area code.

Seven-digit number on your student ID card.

Allowed photo types: bmp, gif, png, jpg, jpeg.The photo file size must be less than 5MB.

AddressProvide only if your address has changed.

Course 1 Information

Course 1 Information

Example: History 111

Example: 01

Example: World History to 1500

Course 2 Information

Course 2 Information

Example: History 111

Example: 01

Example: World History to 1500

Course 3 Information

Course 3 Information

Example: History 111

Example: 01

Example: World History to 1500

Course 4 Information

Course 4 Information

Example: History 111

Example: 01

Example: World History to 1500

Course 5 Information

Course 5 Information

Example: History 111

Example: 01

Example: World History to 1500

University of Evansville Honor Code

University of Evansville Honor Code

Academic integrity has always been a hallmark of the University of Evansville. The Academic Honor Code enables both students and faculty to pursue their scholarly endeavors in an environment of academic freedom. It is an environment that our students both expect and demand. Being able to pursue course work at UE is contingent upon subscribing to the values of the following honor code:

“I understand that any work I submit for course credit will imply that I have adhered to this academic honor code: I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid, nor will I tolerate an environment that condones the use of unauthorized aid.”

In addition, I hereby certify that the information given on this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I grant permission for my high school and previous postsecondary institutions to furnish all information requested by UE’s Office of the Registrar or the dean of students.

By submitting this form, I hereby certify that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge.